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Yay! 2022 Outstanding Article in IJBC Award

ABC Award Plaque

I’m really honored to receive the “2022 Outstanding Article in International Journal of Business Communication Award” for my article on human-centered leadership development.

Anders, A. (2021). Human-centered leadership development: A communication-based approach for promoting authentic and transformational leadership. International Journal of Business Communication.

The award was given at the recent Association for Business Communication annual conference. You can find all the valuable and compelling articles from past award recipients here:

Communicating Vision and Values through Human-Centric Design

Anders, A (2018, October). Communicating strategic vision at human scale: a research based model. 83rd Annual Association for Business Communication Conference. Miami, FL.

Communicating vision and values is a fundamental challenge for leaders in any organization. This presentation shares a research-based model for communicating strategic vision at human scale. Through an emphasis on persuasive storytelling and empathetic story listening, it offers techniques for achieving greater alignment across organizational levels and promoting connection and trust between an organization’s diverse stakeholders.

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